#!/usr/bin/env bash #IPURL="https://icanhazip.com/ip" IPURL="https://myip.syndicat.com" print_usage(){ cat << EOI Displays IP addresses of the current host used for internet connections. Usage: myip [options] Options: -6 Show only IPv6 addresses (public ip address by default). -4 Show only IPv4 addresses (public ip address by default). -h Show usage help. -l Show local insted of public addresses. -g Show geolocation (using geoiplookup). No options produces a more verbose output. EOI } check_dependencies(){ local FAIL=0 for tool in "$@" do if ! hash "$tool" &> /dev/null then echo "The tool $tool does not exist." FAIL=1 fi done if [[ "$FAIL" == 1 ]] then exit 1 fi } print_public_ipv4_address(){ echo "$(curl -s -4 -L $IPURL || echo "")" } print_public_ipv6_address(){ echo "$(curl -s -6 -L $IPURL || echo "")" } print_public_ipv4_geolocation(){ geoiplookup "$PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS" | awk -F": " '{printf($2)}' } print_public_ipv6_geolocation(){ geoiplookup6 "$PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS" | awk -F": " '{printf($2)}' } print_local_ipv4_address(){ echo "$(curl -s -4 -L --write-out %{local_ip} $IPURL -o /dev/null || echo "")" } print_local_ipv6_address(){ echo "$(curl -s -6 -L --write-out %{local_ip} $IPURL -o /dev/null || echo "")" } main(){ while getopts 46ghlv name do case "$name" in 4) flag_4=1 ;; 6) flag_6=1 ;; g) flag_g=1 ;; h) print_usage exit ;; l) flag_l=1 ;; ?) print_usage >&2 exit 2 ;; esac done if [[ -n $flag_l && -n $flag_4 ]] then print_local_ipv4_address fi if [[ -n $flag_l && -n $flag_6 ]] then print_local_ipv6_address fi if [[ -z $flag_l && -n $flag_4 ]] then print_public_ipv4_address fi if [[ -z $flag_l && -n $flag_6 ]] then print_public_ipv6_address fi if [[ -z $flag_l && -z $flag_4 && -z $flag_6 ]] then PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS=$(print_public_ipv4_address) PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS=$(print_public_ipv6_address) echo -e "Public IPv4 address: ${PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS:--}" echo -e "Public IPv6 address: ${PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS:--}" LOCAL_IPV4_ADDRESS=$(print_local_ipv4_address) LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS=$(print_local_ipv6_address) echo -e "Local IPv4 address: ${LOCAL_IPV4_ADDRESS:--}" echo -e "Local IPv6 address: ${LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS:--}" echo "" if [[ -n "$PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS" && -n "$LOCAL_IPV4_ADDRESS" ]] then if [[ "$PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS" != "$LOCAL_IPV4_ADDRESS" ]] then echo "IPv4: NAT" else echo "IPv4: No NAT" fi fi if [[ -n "$PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS" && -n "$LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" ]] then if [[ "$PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS" != "$LOCAL_IPV6_ADDRESS" ]] then echo "IPv6: NAT" else echo "IPv6: No NAT" fi fi if [[ -n "$flag_g" ]] then check_dependencies geoiplookup geoiplookup6 if [[ -n "$PUBLIC_IPV4_ADDRESS" ]] then PUBLIC_IPV4_GEOLOCATION="$(print_public_ipv4_geolocation)" echo "Geolocation IPv4: $PUBLIC_IPV4_GEOLOCATION" fi if [[ -n "$PUBLIC_IPV6_ADDRESS" ]] then PUBLIC_IPV6_GEOLOCATION="$(print_public_ipv6_geolocation)" echo "Geolocation IPv6: $PUBLIC_IPV4_GEOLOCATION" fi fi fi } main "$@"